Mr Smith is a frontier of a new thinking in the fashion world.
In his years spent learning from master tailors and pattern cutters from the best fashion houses in Paris, Vincent developed a new concept of menswear he calls: couture for men.
It combines an extensive knowledge of movement, cloth and cut with a deeper relationship between the maker and the garment.
This is reflected in an almost subliminal experience for the wearer.
Mr Smith is working with a small family-owned workshop in Naples to produce a small beautiful collection combining the exquisite detail and flawless cut of his couture line with wider accessibility.
Over thirty years Vincent has built a reputation as the preeminent menswear creative, pattern cutter, and Sartorialist.
His mastery of detail and cut is unparalleled.
From his workshop, he has worked for numerous fashion houses from Thierry Mugler, Lemaire, Kenzo to Givenchy.
Lending his critical eye and technical expertise to the vision of Christophe Lemaire, Riccardo Tisci and many others.

Garments that transcend the formula of fashion and tailoring
Andreas Murkudis - DE
Boutique Duchatel - FR
Ninetydays Concept Store - DE
Tomorrowland - JP
United Arrows - JP
Wild Life Tailor Ebisu - JP
Bshop Japan - JP
This Spring Summer 18 collection is inspired by modern artists such as
Mark Rothko, Yves Klein and
Pierre Soulages.

Embracing their tones into Mr Smith's own style, developing new shapes inspired by travel.

Creating Ergonomic and well-thought design into every single piece.
The Collection.
A subtle blend of military, work wear and tailoring.
Mr Smith proposes a bright wardrobe for every day, anchored a Parisian spirit of comfortable elegance.
Relaxed and Chic wardrobe, composed of different tones of blues, beige, orange and khaki borrowed modern artists artwork.

Conceived in Mr Smith's Parisian Workshop108, utilising the skills of many local craftsmen alongside carefully selected international manufactures.
Mr Smith is a unique experience in Parisian Menswear.
"Every details has
a reason to be."
"Every fabrics are selected for a specific reason."
@. Sales@Worksho108.com